Natural, Meaningful, Luxury

Since we started CARDOLAN as a group of artisans in the 1970s, we have sought to preserve, enrich and foster the art of wool spinning, dyeing, knitting and weaving with the horizontal loom. These important traditions to Colombia’s Andean region date back centuries, when local communities who had wide experience producing other fabrics began to raise sheep brought over from Spain in the 15 th and 16 th centuries.

The wool in our pieces come from our Corriedale and Merino sheep that graze freely amidst native oak forests which we work hard to protect. Our wool is spun, dyed and woven by artisans in the region of Simijaca and Carmen de Carupa, located in the Eastern mountain range of the Colombian Andes. Most of our wool is dyed with natural dyes found in nature such as walnut, oak, achiote and divi-divi.

Our Products

100% handmade throws,
ponchos, scarves and other pieces.
Human hands have intervened
every step of the way.

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Our Community

A network of women from
the Eastern mountain range
of the Colombian Andes.

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Our Process

Carefully hand spun,
weaved and dyed wool from
our sustainably raised sheep.
We pay attention to every detail.

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